Author Archives: Sam Burch

Pre-loved – the new market in second-hand renewables

Solar panels deliver renewable energy

The Olympic and Paralympic games, by and large, show humans in the best possible light. Self-sacrifice, goodwill, fair play and recognition through achievement. However, above all, it is an example of the importance of planning for the future. Nobody turned up, phoned it in and left without giving a toss (save perhaps for Australia’s breakdancing hopeful).

And yet, when it comes to energy security that is exactly what the UK is doing. We are metaphorically crossing our fingers and hoping for the best.  Here in Wiltshire, for instance, we now have a vociferous anti-solar lobby that sees every panel, array or inverter as a threat to the green belt, food production and areas of outstanding natural beauty.  Regardless of where it is, or how useful in terms of reducing the carbon footprint of the county. Solar = bad. Wind farms are as commonplace in Wiltshire as a Rotherham rioter with an IQ greater than a fruit fly.… Read the rest

A fresh start for Wiltshire?
Julian Barlow considers what the election results mean for solar in Wiltshire...

Wiltshire Wildlife Community Energy solar panels at Chelworth

Labour may have won the general election by a landslide, but the results here in Wiltshire were somewhat more nuanced.  Labour won in Swindon, while the Conservatives won some, and lost some. But the Liberal Democrats were the real newsmakers here, winning seats in newly created constituencies and existing ones.

I must admit to being somewhat relieved to see Conservative Brexiteer and solar opponent James Gray replaced by the climate-positive Dr Roz Savage, who went so far as to row solo across three oceans to raise awareness of environmental issues. Mr Gray can be praised for his public service across the decades but decried for his more blinkered views on renewables.

In a recent blog, Dr Savage outlined her vision for the constituency which would see a greater number of smaller, community energy-led solar projects which may be more palatable to residents than some of the proposals we’ve seen for sprawling solar parks. … Read the rest